Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting started with the LEI registration process. LEIpapa is an Official LEI Registration Agent of Ubisecure RapidLEI. Here you can find main information on the LEI code registration process.

Today the way the LEI is used has been revolutionized by modern technology and LEIpapa proposes new ways of keeping the LEI system secure and relevant. Automating and digitizing many manual processes have resulted in significant time and cost savings.

A detailed explanation of the LEI

What is a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)?

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit, alphanumeric code that connects to key reference information that enables clear and unique identification of companies participating in global financial markets. The LEI is based on the ISO standard 17442 developed by the International Organization for Standardization.
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Who needs an LEI?

In general, an LEI number is required by any legal entity whose activities incorporate financial transactions. All legal entities, other than natural persons are eligible for LEI number obtaining.
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Who can apply for an LEI?

As defined in ISO standard 17442, any legal entity that enters into a financial transaction is eligible for an LEI.
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Who may NOT apply for an LEI?

An LEI may not be requested by any of the following:

  • Individuals;
  • Unregistered businesses and entities;
  • Operating divisions;
  • Branch offices within the same country as a head office with an existing registered LEI.
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How to search LEI codes?

LEIpapa has developed a free LEI Search application, so users can search within the whole LEI database.
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Is the LEI data publicly available?

Yes. The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) has published the Global LEI Index. It provides information, updated daily, on all LEIs issued to date. Any interested party can easily access and search the complete LEI data pool free of charge using LEIpapa LEI Search application or on the GLEIF website.

Will an LEI be the same for all classes of assets (bonds, mortgages, etc.)?

Yes. The LEI is a unique identifier for any given legal entity. It is not an identifier for instruments. As a result, that legal entity will use its LEI for reporting of any type of financial transaction it enters into regardless of the asset class or when the particular asset was issued.

What is LEIpapa

LEIpapa is an Official LEI Registration Agent of Ubisecure RapidLEI, the worldโ€™s largest issuer of LEI Codes (LEI Issuer or LOU) for verified organizations. LEIpapa provides an assistance and performs certain tasks in the process of obtaining, renewing, or transferring an LEI for an LEI Issuer, but the issuing, transferring, or renewing of the LEI is always done by the LEI Issuer.

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How much does it cost?

How much does it cost to get an LEI?

The pricing table is available here.

Who pays for a new LEI?

The LEI registration (application) can be submitted by the entity itself and/or its subsidiaries, or the party authorized by the entity. The party performing the registration pays the fee.

Registration Links

Register new LEI
Renew your LEI
Transfer an LEI from your existing service provider
Order an NFT LEI certificate with LE-RD data minted by LEIpapa and stored on the Polygon blockchain
Challenge an LEI if you find the information (LE-RD data) is irrelevant
Register more than 2 LEI codes at once with the discounted rate by uploading the information via the Excel table

LEI Overview

How to know if an LEI code is LAPSED or INACTIVE?

You can use LEIpapaโ€™s free LEI Search tool to get the current LEI status and check if an LEI Code is LAPSED or INACTIVE. We connect to the GLEIS database to verify the relevant LEI status. More info…

LEI Registration Process Info

What LEI Applications Requiring a LoA?

LEI applications require a Letter of Authorization (LoA) when we may need to determine authority for applicants acting on behalf of legal entities to apply for and/or manage Legal Entity Identifiers on their behalf. If this is needed, the applicant will need to complete and provide a Letter of Authorization (LoA).

Please download here the LoA appropriate for your scenario or contact LEIpapa for assistance.

How to Register an LEI?

The application for LEI registration requires basic information about your company/entity such as its legal name, jurisdiction, type, and structure. Read more here…

How to Register LEIs in bulk?

With LEIpapa you can register multiple legal entities to the LEI database simultaneously. You will receive a discount based on volume when registering via the bulk upload form. More info…

How to Renew an LEI?

LEI renewal refers to the process of a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) renewal for a new period. If your LEI is managed by RapidLEI and under the service of LEIpapa, you are in luck when it comes time to renew. We use a fast, automated process for LEI renewal โ€“ LEIs can be renewed in minutes and at a low cost. Read more here…

How to Transfer an LEI?

An LEI Transfer is the procedure of moving an LEI from one service provider to another. This allows you to choose which service provider you want to use based on service quality, fee level, or other valuable factors. If another service provider manages your LEI or is not managed by Ubisecure RapidLEI, you can transfer it to RapidLEI management and LEIpapa for free. More info…

How to Reactivate a LAPSED LEI?

Your LEI must be renewed annually to remain Active. LAPSED status is not good for your Legal Entity. To Reactivate LAPSED LEI use the instructions on this page.

The LEI enables smarter, more affordable, and more reliable decisions for market participants about who to do business with, providing information on legal entities and the people behind them. Using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as a common and global identifier encompasses a wide range of business cases spanning multiple industries, business activities, and functions.

LEI Reference Data

How to challenge LEI Reference Data?

You can use this Challenge form to challenge LEI and raise any doubt regarding the uniqueness of an LEI code, referential integrity between LEI records, the existence of duplicate entries, or the accuracy and completeness of the related Legal Entity reference data. More info…
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