Global LEI Availability
Global LEI Availability
Countries supported for LEI registration
LEI registration with LEIpapa is currently supported globally in 139 countries, with more to come. Once LEIpapa is supported in your country, youโll be able to register an LEI and get other LEI related services for your legal entity.
๐ฆ๐ซ Afghanistan (AF)
๐ฆ๐ฎ Anguilla (AI)
๐ฆ๐ท Argentina (AR)
๐ฆ๐ผ Aruba (AW)
๐ฆ๐บ Australia (AU)
๐ฆ๐น Austria (AT)
๐ง๐ธ Bahamas (BS)
๐ง๐ญ Bahrain (BH)
๐ง๐ฉ Bangladesh (BD)
๐ง๐ง Barbados (BB)
๐ง๐พ Belarus (BY)
๐ง๐ช Belgium (BE)
๐ง๐ฟ Belize (BZ)
๐ง๐ฒ Bermuda (BM)
๐ง๐ด Bolivia (BO)
๐ง๐ถ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BQ)
๐ง๐ฆ Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
๐ง๐ผ Botswana (BW)
๐ง๐ท Brazil (BR)
๐ป๐ฌ British Virgin Islands (VG)
๐ง๐ฌ Bulgaria (BG)
๐ฐ๐ญ Cambodia (KH)
๐จ๐ฒ Cameroon (CM)
๐จ๐ฆ Canada (CA)
๐ฐ๐พ Cayman Islands (KY)
๐จ๐ฑ Chile (CL)
๐จ๐ณ China (CN)
๐จ๐ด Colombia (CO)
๐ฐ๐ฒ Comoros (KM)
๐จ๐ฐ Cook Islands (CK)
๐จ๐ท Costa Rica (CR)
๐จ๐ฎ Cรดte dโIvoire (Ivory Coast) (CI)
๐ญ๐ท Croatia (HR)
๐จ๐ผ Curaรงao (CW)
๐จ๐พ Cyprus (CY)
๐จ๐ฟ Czechia (CZ)
๐จ๐ฉ Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)
๐ฉ๐ฐ Denmark (DK)
๐ฉ๐ฒ Dominica (DM)
๐ฉ๐ด Dominican Republic (DO)
๐ช๐จ Ecuador (EC)
๐ช๐ฌ Egypt (EG)
๐ธ๐ป El Salvador (SV)
๐ซ๐ด Faroe Islands (FO)
๐ซ๐ฎ Finland (FI)
๐ซ๐ท France (FR)
๐ฌ๐ฆ Gabon (GA)
๐ฉ๐ช Germany (DE)
๐ฌ๐ฎ Gibraltar (GI)
๐ฌ๐ท Greece (GR)
๐ฌ๐ฑ Greenland (GL)
๐ฌ๐น Guatemala (GT)
๐ฌ๐ฌ Guernsey (GG)
๐ญ๐ณ Honduras (HN)
๐ญ๐ฐ Hong Kong (HK)
๐ญ๐บ Hungary (HU)
๐ฎ๐ธ Iceland (IS)
๐ฎ๐ณ India (IN)
๐ฎ๐ฉ Indonesia (ID)
๐ฎ๐ช Ireland (IE)
๐ฎ๐ฒ Isle of Man (IM)
๐ฎ๐ฑ Israel (IL)
๐ฎ๐น Italy (IT)
๐ฏ๐ฒ Jamaica (JM)
๐ฏ๐ต Japan (JP)
๐ฏ๐ช Jersey (JE)
๐ฏ๐ด Jordan (JO)
๐ฐ๐ฟ Kazakhstan (KZ)
๐ฐ๐ช Kenya (KE)
๐ฑ๐ป Latvia (LV)
๐ฑ๐ง Lebanon (LB)
๐ฑ๐ธ Lesotho (LS)
๐ฑ๐ฎ Liechtenstein (LI)
๐ฑ๐น Lithuania (LT)
๐ฑ๐บ Luxembourg (LU)
๐ฒ๐พ Malaysia (MY)
๐ฒ๐ป Maldives (MV)
๐ฒ๐น Malta (MT)
๐ฒ๐ญ Marshall Islands (MH)
๐ฒ๐บ Mauritius (MU)
๐ฒ๐ฝ Mexico (MX)
๐ฒ๐จ Monaco (MC)
๐ฒ๐ฆ Morocco (MA)
๐ณ๐ฑ Netherlands (NL)
๐ณ๐ฟ New Zealand (NZ)
๐ณ๐ฌ Nigeria (NG)
๐ณ๐ด Norway (NO)
๐ด๐ฒ Oman (OM)
๐ต๐ฐ Pakistan (PK)
๐ต๐ฆ Panama (PA)
๐ต๐ฌ Papua New Guinea (PG)
๐ต๐พ Paraguay (PY)
๐ต๐ช Peru (PE)
๐ต๐ญ Philippines (PH)
๐ต๐ฑ Poland (PL)
๐ต๐น Portugal (PT)
๐ต๐ท Puerto Rico (PR)
๐ถ๐ฆ Qatar (QA)
๐จ๐ฌ Republic of the Congo (CG)
๐ท๐ด Romania (RO)
๐ท๐บ Russia (RU)
๐ฐ๐ณ Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)
๐ฑ๐จ Saint Lucia (LC)
๐ป๐จ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)
๐ธ๐ฒ San Marino (SM)
๐ธ๐ฆ Saudi Arabia (SA)
๐ธ๐ณ Senegal (SN)
๐ท๐ธ Serbia (RS)
๐ธ๐จ Seychelles (SC)
๐ธ๐ฌ Singapore (SG)
๐ธ๐ฝ Sint Maarten (SX)
๐ธ๐ฐ Slovakia (SK)
๐ธ๐ฎ Slovenia (SI)
๐ฟ๐ฆ South Africa (ZA)
๐ฐ๐ท South Korea (KR)
๐ช๐ธ Spain (ES)
๐ฑ๐ฐ Sri Lanka (LK)
๐ธ๐ท Suriname (SR)
๐ธ๐ช Sweden (SE)
๐จ๐ญ Switzerland (CH)
๐น๐ผ Taiwan (TW)
๐น๐ฟ Tanzania (TZ)
๐น๐ญ Thailand (TH)
๐น๐น Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
๐น๐ณ Tunisia (TN)
๐น๐ท Turkey (TR)
๐น๐จ Turks & Caicos (TC)
๐บ๐ฌ Uganda (UG)
๐บ๐ฆ Ukraine (UA)
๐ฆ๐ช United Arab Emirates (AE)
๐ฌ๐ง United Kingdom (GB)
๐บ๐ธ United States (US)
๐บ๐พ Uruguay (UY)
๐บ๐ฟ Uzbekistan (UZ)
๐ป๐ช Venezuela (VE)
๐ป๐ณ Vietnam (VN)
๐ฟ๐ฒ Zambia (ZM)
๐ฟ๐ผ Zimbabwe (ZW)
Jurisdictional surcharges
The LOU applies surcharges for LEI registration in some jurisdictions. The applicable jurisdictional surcharge will be added to your order at checkout.
Sanctions Lists and Resources
We recommend you bookmark Sanctions Lists and Resources applied in different jurisdictions to check persons and companies on their presence in the sanctions lists applied globally.
Ready to get started?
Create an account and register an LEI code. No contracts or pre-checks are required. Or, contact us to get custom pricing for your business when registering several LEI codes.
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