How to know if an LEI Code is LAPSED or INACTIVE?

How to know if an LEI Code is LAPSED or INACTIVE?

You can use LEIpapa’s free LEI Search tool to get the current LEI status and check if an LEI Code is LAPSED or INACTIVE. We connect to the GLEIS database to verify the relevant LEI status.

Your LEI must be renewed annually to remain ACTIVE. You can review your LEIs suitable for renewal by accessing the Renew LEI section of your account. LEIs can be renewed when they have LAPSED status or they are ISSUED and have a ‘Next Renewal Date’ which falls within the next 60 days.

LAPSED status is not good for your Legal Entity, it could mean transactions are blocked due to a regulatory non-compliance. This non-compliance may lead your business to face penalties, fines, legal repercussions, and strained relationships with regulators.

Please note that besides the cheaper pricing, multi-year LEIs have a great benefit. They will automatically renew 60 days before the ‘Next Renewal Date’ and are thus excluded from the list of entities available for renewal. The exception is for any LEIs with Level 2 data or any ESO-based FUND. Such entities cannot be verified automatically - these will appear too.

The LEIpapa’s LEI Search tool shows examples of LAPSED LEIs owned by Microsoft
The LEIpapa's LEI Search tool shows examples of LAPSED LEIs owned by Microsoft. The Legal Entity remains active.

If your LEI has LAPSED status, our team can help you return your LEI status to ACTIVE quickly. Please follow our detailed instructions on how to reactivate a lapsed LEI.

Last updated on